Curtis Eller's American Circus
Curtis Eller is New York City's angriest yodelling banjo player. He started his show business career at the age of seven as a juggler and acrobat but has since turned to the banjo because that's where the money is. Mr. Eller and his band, "The American Circus", have performed at funerals, horse races, moped shops and vaudeville revues. Song subjects include, but are not limited to, snake handling, pigeon racing and performing elephants. ÊNumerous waltzes, yodelling and some strong language can be expected. ÊMr. Eller's favorite Antifolk performers are Buster Keaton, Jimmie Rodgers and Pablo Picasso. The Buzz...
"Shuffling forward almost reluctantly with slow banjo rolls and hollers of resignation, Curtis Eller plays the kind of sparse, lonely country music that can mildew wallpaper and rot out woodwork. If uptempo traditional bluegrass banjo is a happy, hyperactive hick, Eller's five-string is a melancholy, slightly drunk city dweller." Creative Loafing Atlanta, GA "The amount of fun one can have at this show is in direct proportion to the bizarreness it exudes. One thing we can promise you, it'll be different. ÊGrotesque waltzes, cracked carnival music and songs about snake handling are guaranteed." Metro Times Detroit, MI A stark, stirring and gripping songwriter combining the pathos of roots country and the charm and energy of Antifolk." New York, NY "No one knew what to expect when the mustached man, alone with his banjo, took the stage. Then Curtis Eller began to play. Blam! His foot stomped the sage with more menace than most drummers can muster. Blang! He attacked the strings of his banjo, daring them to snap. He howled, he yodeled, he muttered nervously and screamed insanely. His audience still didn't know what to make of him.ÊBut now they were listening." Gloomy Tunes Atlanta, GA I AM ANTIFOLK BECAUSE I'm a yodelling banjo player. I sing songs about Amelia Earhart, Fatty Arbuckle and Robert Moses. I'm equally at home performing at Coney Island, burlesque shows, weddings and funerals.ÊI'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore. |