Ben Krieger

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I often claim to be a Brooklyn songwriter. Anyone who meets me, however, can tell immediately that I probably grew up in Cleveland. There was a short-lived campaign in the mid-80s when everyone in Northeast Ohio had a bumper sticker that said, “New York May Be the Big Apple, But Cleveland’s a Plum!” I have been a plum among the apples for 10 years.
I recorded a rock operetta about Stingra the Bionic Jellyfish that can be found on Queen of the Ocean, Commander of the Sea. You can stream Stingra in its entirety on the opening page of my website. There are other songs you can stream there, including a rock operetta called “Cable Beach.”
My new record, Class Dismissed, will be out later this fall.

"There is a fine line between genius and madness and you can argue that Ben Krieger straddles it with the aplomb of an Olympic gymnast." - Jim Testa, Jersey Beat

"Like Mickey Mouse in Fantasia, conducting and manipulating his *Digital Pigeons* to make more sounds than one man is usually capable...Ben Krieger and His Digital Pigeons is a one-man rock-opera just beginning to materialize." - Dan Dippolito, Jezebel Music

Why He's So Antifolk?

It's not easy to find a place where the musicians are talented, breathtaking stage performers as well as welcoming, discerning audience members. Plus, any scene that welcomes both Jaymay and M. Lamar to their stage is one where I can feel at home.

More info at Ben Krieger.