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thepuregallus.....Man of Song. Sweeping, bittersweet tales of stolen babies, chip shops and that bloke at the pool who hangs around but never swims. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll say WTF.> Press:

"Humorous but heartfelt lyrics performed with a sincerity that is both charming and riveting."- Billy Watson TV

"How do I describe the genius that is thepuregallus? Whimsical songs from Croontown? Lynchian languid love songs to do the mashed potato to? A strange songsmith with a penchant for titillating the tapping of toes? I don't know. All I know is he's brilliant, he makes my mind turn inside out and you will love him. -Miss Annabel Sings

Why He's So Antifolk?

"Folkies. Some of them may be nice. But not when they refuse to let you perform because you don't actually play an instrument. Years later that still rankles. Hooray for anti-folk and a celebration of what you do, not how you do it." - thepuregallus